Monday, April 16, 2012

KOMFORT ZONE CAFE: Let's Talk Coffee

KOMFORT ZONE CAFE: Let's Talk Coffee: It's no secret, there are millions of people, alot of which are involved in the act as we speak, that have to have their cup of "joe" in ord...

Let's Talk Coffee

It's no secret, there are millions of people, alot of which are involved in the act as we speak, that have to have their cup of "joe" in order to START their day. Now, let's think about this for a minute. If there are so many people doing this same thing day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, generation after generation...I guess by now you get the picture. In case you don't quite see the point yet, we are talking about COFFEE! Billions of cups are consumed daily, by almost EVERYONE!  Some even stand in long lines and pay upwards of $5 for a cup of the stuff. What if there was a Healthy alternative to an already exposed way of life.

I mean, what if there was a way for YOU to have a line of customers waiting to purchase that BLACK GOLD from YOU!

HERE is a unique opportunity to get in on the ground level of something that promises to change the HEALTH & WEALTH of it's participants.